
My Artist Statement

White and black with splatters, then lines and drips of color for swipes.

I play with art to access a pre-verbal reality inside of myself. Picasso once famously said, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” I have been rolling that one around for decades.

My Artist Statement: Continue Reading


Process or pour painting using gold, red and aqua colors.

An InnerScapes video opening scans the completed dry painting by Theun Speakable. First painting pthalo turquoise, green gold, and crimson in vertical swaths onto the canvas. There is no silicone in the paint. Then pouring a line of gold paint through the crimson with lines of white poured on both sides of the gold.

BlueGreenFlowers: Continue Reading


Aqua acrylic Pour Painting.

Happy New Year Everyone!!! This painting is inspired by my true appreciation of all the viewers, commenters, and subscribers to my channel this past year. This is the second pour from this cup. The purple left in the cup from the last pour looked too good to toss.

HappyNewYearFlower: Continue Reading

What is InnerScapes Art?

Innerscapes Art logo.

InnerScapes is a playful process using paint and other art materials to illuminate inner landscapes, unknown dreams, patterns, synchronicities and inspirations .

Welcome to InnerScapes Art. Here you’ll find my some of work processes in a Gallery of images and more.

What is InnerScapes Art?: Continue Reading

Sources of Inspiration

Artist favorite, vibrant flowing pour painting purple, blues and golds.

I am inspired by many things and sometimes nothing at all. I wonder where my inspiration comes from. Sometimes I sit down and the painting paints itself. I am just the assistant. Sometimes I work diligently to arrange and create the flow, and inspiration shows up.

Sources of Inspiration: Continue Reading